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Photo Albums

Environmental Economics - Iceland Immersion Trip (Album 2)

a broken helmet on rocks

Our gear for the Solheimajokull glacier hike.

a man wearing a helmet and a backpack

Free Burton '19 on top of the Solheimajokull glacier.

a man standing on a snowy mountain with a pole

Joe Garcia '21 on top of the Solheimajokull glacier.

a group of people walking on a snowy mountain

Hiking up the Solheimajokull glacier.

a lake with snow and mountains in the background

Where the glacier meets the lagoon.

a sign on a rocky hill

This sign marks the distance the glacier and melted each year.

a group of people standing near a waterfall

Skogafoss Waterfall.

a person standing in a cave

Ryan Barr '20 at the black sand beach.

people walking on a beach

Students on the black sand beach.

a rock cliff with birds flying in the sky

The volcanic rock at black sand beach.

a town near the water

The town of Vik, Iceland.

a group of people standing in front of a church

Overlooking the ocean in the town of Vik.

a group of people walking on a beach

Walking on the black sand beaches of Vik.

footprints in the sand

Vik, Iceland

a group of white vans parked on a snowy field

Our rides to the ice caves. The drivers inflate and deflate the tires while driving to adjust for the road conditions. We covered snow, dirt, flood plains and steep hills.

a group of people standing in front of a mountain

Our driver telling us the history of the glacier and the ice cave we are about to enter and how it is located on top of an active volcano!

a person standing in a cave

Brandon Arbuckle '19 taking in the sights inside the cave.

a group of people walking through a cave

Wabash students at the entrance of the ice cave.

a satellite image of a landscape

At the Lave Centre learning about the history and the science behind Iceland's volcanos.

a group of people standing in a room

At the Hellisheioarvirkjun power plant learning about geothermal energy.

a group of people standing in a room

Drew Buttrum '21 taking notes at the Hellisheioarvirkjun power plant.

a large yellow box in a factory

At look inside at the workings of the power plant.

a group of people standing outside

Dr. Byun and students at the power plant.

a group of people looking at a map on a wall

David Daugherty '19, Dr. Byun, and Nick Budler '19 at the power plant

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