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Awards Chapel, April 25, 2019 - Album 1

a group of people posing for a photo

Distinction in Comprehensive Examinations in Division I.

a group of people holding awards

Robert Reed and Luke Dant receive the Norman E. Treves Science Award.

two men in suits holding a trophy

Joey Lenkey receives the Ernest G. Carscallen Prize in Biology.

two men holding a plaque

Joseph Ballard receives the Eliot Churchill Williams Undergraduate Prize in Biology. (not pictured is Hunter Jones)

two men holding a trophy

Receiving the Thomas A. Cole Alumni Prize in Biology is Graham Redweik ’16

a man in suit and tie holding a red folder

Prof. Novak presents the Boinstein Memorial Outstanding Freshman in Chemistry to Andrew Jamison.

a group of men holding red folders

The Howell Chemistry Award is presented to James Andry, Austin Chivington, Chukwunalu Chukwuma, Titus Edwards, Benjamin Grubbs, and Wesley Slaughter.

two men in suits holding a red file

Prof. Novak presents the Underwood Award in Chemistry to Alexander Pittsford.

a group of men in suits holding books

Prof. Turner presents the George E. Carscallen Prize in Mathematics to Kenneth Cox and Thang Nguyen.

two men in suits holding books

Matt Hodges receives the J. Crawford Polley Mathematical Writing Prize.

two men in suits holding a red book

Prof. Brown presents the Harold Q Fuller Prize in Physics to Theodore Lupinski.

a group of men holding red folders

Distinctions in Comprehensive Exams for Division II.

two men holding a book

Prof. Weedman presents the Greene Art History Award to Zachary McKinney.

a man with his arm around another man

The Randolph H. Deer Prize is awarded to Cesar Martinez (not pictured was Marlon Lewis).

a man holding a book and smiling with other men in the background

Prof. Weedman presents David Thomas with the Paul J. Husting Award for Outstanding Work in Art.

a man and woman posing for a picture

Prof. Wickkiser presents the McLain Prize in Classics to Brandon Johnson.

a man and woman posing for a picture

The Nicholas Harrison Essay Award is presented to Jordan Ogle.

a man and woman standing together

Joseph Patacsil is awarded the Robert S. Edwards Creative Writing Award by Prof. Szczeszak-Brewer.

a man and woman standing together

The Ruth Margaret Farber Award in English is presented to Samuel Stephenson.

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Prof. Szcenszak-Brewer presents Yongjin Yi and Jordan Ogle with the Walter L. Fertig Prize in English.

a man and woman holding papers

The Robert O. Petty Nature Writing Prize is awarded to Dakota Baker.

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Cal Hockemeyer and Erich Lange are awarded the Robert King German Prize by Prof. Hardy.

a group of people posing for a photo

The Kudlaty Senior Spanish Award is presented to Ian Finley and Joseph Patacsil.

a group of people posing for a photo

Prof. Hardy presents Jacques Boulais and Brent Breese with the Annie Trim Leavenworth French Prize.

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