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Big Bash 50th Reunion Weekend - September 11, 2021 - Album 3

a group of men holding a large check

Members of the Class of 1970 pledged $6,361,495 to support the College for their 50th reunion gift.

a group of men holding a large check

Members of the Class of 1971 pledged $2,212,781 to support the College for their 50th reunion gift.

a man standing at a podium with a microphone

Director of Alumni and Parent Relations Steve Hoffman ’85 welcomed the crowd to the Big Bash Banquet.

a man shaking hands with another man wearing a mask

President Scott Feller presented Class Agent Ron Shelby ’70 with his 50th Reunion medallion.

a man wearing a mask and talking to another man

Jon Pactor ’71 giving Keith Nelson ’71 his 50th Reunion medallion.

a group of men wearing face masks

Members of the Class of 1971 line up to receive their 50th reunion medallions.

a woman taking a picture of herself

Spouses and friends of the alumni capture memories.

a group of men looking at a photo album

Alumni look at photos prior to the Big Bash Banquet.

a group of people wearing face masks

Alumni gathered to hear President Scott Feller.

a man in a red shirt

President Scott Feller presents his state of the College titled 'A Well-Run College that is Well-Loved.'

a group of men talking to each other

President Scott Feller talks with alumni after his presentation.

a man wearing a red shirt

Members of the Classes of 1970 and 1971 gathered for Big Bash.

two men in red shirts

Members of the Classes of 1970 and 1971 gathered for Big Bash.

a man wearing sunglasses and a red shirt

Members of the Classes of 1970 and 1971 gathered for Big Bash.

a group of men wearing red shirts

Members of the Classes of 1970 and 1971 gathered for Big Bash.

a man wearing a red hat and holding his hand up

Members of the Classes of 1970 and 1971 gathered for Big Bash.

a man wearing a mask and a red shirt

Members of the Classes of 1970 and 1971 gathered for Big Bash.

a man in a red shirt pointing up

Director of Alumni and Parent Relations Steve Hoffman ’85 explains Chapel Sing.

a group of people wearing red shirts

Chapel Sing is always a highlight of the Big Bash reunion weekends. Alumni test their 'Old Wabash' knowledge on the Pioneer Chapel steps.

a group of people standing on steps with their arms raised

Chapel Sing is always a highlight of the Big Bash reunion weekends. Alumni test their 'Old Wabash' knowledge on the Pioneer Chapel steps.

a man with a mustache and glasses holding a green hat

Members of the Classes of 1970 and 1971 gathered for Big Bash.

a group of people singing

Chapel Sing is always a highlight of the Big Bash reunion weekends. Alumni test their 'Old Wabash' knowledge on the Pioneer Chapel steps.

a group of people wearing red shirts

Chapel Sing is always a highlight of the Big Bash reunion weekends. Alumni test their 'Old Wabash' knowledge on the Pioneer Chapel steps.

a group of people in red shirts

Chapel Sing is always a highlight of the Big Bash reunion weekends. Alumni test their 'Old Wabash' knowledge on the Pioneer Chapel steps.

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