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IAWM Leadership Breakfast, March 17, 2022

a man standing at a podium

This edition of the IAWM Leadership Breakfast covered the topic of effective leadership of K-12 education with three engaging speakers and honored the IAWM Man of the Year. Committee Chair Dustin DeNeal '04 opens the program with a brief introduction.

a man in a red shirt

Alex Rotaru '22 always seems to be involved in a conversation.

a couple of men in suits

Myke Spencer (left) shares a word before the program begins.

a man talking to another man

IAWM committee member Jake Kolisek '11 (left) talks with Wes Zirkle '98 over coffee.

a man sitting at a table with a plate of food

Jason Dyer '85 (right) talks with a student.

a group of people sitting at a table

Orr Fellow Justin Kopp '21 was an attendee.

a man in a suit holding a microphone

Todd Bess is Executive Director of the Indiana Association of School Principals, said trying to grow the organization 'I felt like if we approached the relationship from a solution-based perspective we would gain some traction, we would gain some membership, and we would gain significance…That advocacy work, and the growth work, really does center on relationships, and those relationships matter.'

a man holding a microphone

'Take those lessons that you've learned and apply those to the relationships that are in your schools, communities, in our cities, and in our state. Because we want success for every child. And we've got to build those relationships.'

a group of men sitting at tables

Matt Keller gives his attention to a speaker.

a man in a suit with his hand on his chin

Scott Bess listens to the presentation of his brother, Todd.

a group of people sitting at tables

The engaging speakers certainly generated more than a few interesteing conversations among those in attendance.

a group of people sitting at tables

The room was packed on St. Patrick's Day.

a man in a suit speaking into a microphone

Patrick McAllister '02, Director of the Office of Education Innovation for the City of Indianapolis, said 'In March 2020, schools, parents, and educators were quickly required to adapt. Any parents with a child in public education in the last couple of years knows adapting to home learning was a significant change.'

a man in a suit speaking into a microphone

He spoke of how data could help drive decisions, “How will that reshape our civic investment? How can we better understand what schools and students do as it relates to mental health care and other resources? How can that change what children have access to in terms of enrichment? If you find out based on data, that kids want access to an after school program, and they're visiting after school theater? How great would it be to know who those children are, know how to help them access that program, and oriented resources. The children want it, so we're going to meet that as best as we can.'

a man in a suit holding a microphone

Cody Stipes '11, Principal at Cold Spring School, said, 'I'm extremely proud of the way in which our staff has stepped up and filled in those gaps and just had an attitude of how can I help best serve our students. That's something that again, I would be very proud of our team while also allowing me to shake off the rust out of my own teaching practices and get back to the classroom. It's fun. But I also think it's a time where we also need to take a pause and realize this takes a burden on our staff members and our people who are working in education. As we look forward now, there's a hope.'

a man in a suit holding a microphone

He continued, “If you have a child, do me a favor, reach out to your child's teacher, reach out to your child's principal, and just ask them to do these three things. First, just say thank you, thank you for what you're doing. Second, ask them how they're doing. Having somebody ask how I'm doing is really helpful. It's really impactful. And third, ask, what's one thing I can do to help you out right now?”

a man in a suit and tie

President Scott Feller is an active listener.

a man in a suit holding a microphone

Classmate and friend Brad Prather '00 introduced IAWM Man of the Year Ryan Vaughn '00.

a man sitting at a table with glasses and a sign

Drew Compton contemplates a point by Cody Stipes.

a man shaking hands with another man

IAWM Vice President Jim Dyer '83 (left) presents Vaughn with his award.

a man holding a plaque

Said Vaughn, 'I’m sure this award has to do with the incredible year the city experienced last year when we hosted the entire March Madness, and what happened in the community, which was really kind of a coming out party for ourselves. This is really an appreciation of the community and its people. It takes a bunch of partners who trust in our community to do it, and it also takes an incredible, hardworking, and dedicated team at Indiana Sports Corp.'

a man standing at a podium holding a microphone

As each of the day's speakers did, Vaughn issused a call to action, '“If you have the opportunity to carve out time to serve on a charter school board, it is one of the most rewarding experiences you will have personally…By virtue of the roles I've had, I understand how to run a business. And those are all things that are important to schools, and they need you because these kids really are important.”

a man in a suit holding a microphone

He closed by saying, 'Always bring a positive attitude, no matter the circumstances. And I think we can carry that forward.'

a group of men in suits smiling

President Feller (center) with two former students and presenters on this panel Cody Stipes (left) and Patrick McAllister '02.

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