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Lacrosse vs. DePauw (H) 2022

a group of people wearing lacrosse uniforms

The team enters Fischer Field

two men playing lacrosse on a field

Artie Rogers controls the ball

two men playing lacrosse on a field

Ethan Stonis leans towards the goal

a group of men sitting in chairs with laptops

The telecast team includes Wabash Alumnus and Dad Joe Bevelheimer '86

a group of people playing lacrosse

Evan Schiefelbein picks up the loose ball

a group of people playing lacrosse

A battle in front of the Wabash goal

a group of men wearing white and red uniforms and helmets

Coach Chris Burke encouraging the team

a group of people playing lacrosse

Luka DiFilippo controls the ball

a group of men playing lacrosse

Caulin Fitzgerald turns upfield

two men wearing helmets and holding sticks

John Frey on defense

a group of people playing lacrosse

Josh Taylor fights for the ball

a group of people playing lacrosse

Matthew Hendrick with the save

a group of people playing lacrosse

Jeremiah Easton makes a move

a group of people playing lacrosse

Ethan Stonis takes a shot

a group of people playing lacrosse

Matthew Hendrick nets the shot

a group of men playing lacrosse

Evan Schiefelbein heads upfield

a group of people playing lacrosse

Ethan Stonis reverses

a group of people playing lacrosse

Joseph Plencner makes a move

two men playing lacrosse on a field

Artie Rogers fights for control

a group of people playing lacrosse

AJ Miller with a shot on goal

a man in a white uniform playing lacrosse

Joseph Plencner takes a shot

a group of men playing lacrosse

Another save for Matthew Hendrick

a group of people playing lacrosse

Caulin Fitzgerald with a shot at the goal

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