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Photo Albums

Kane Society Reception and Homecoming Luncheon

a group of men in red jackets

Members of the Kane Society gathered for a reception on the cool Homecoming morning.

a group of people talking to each other

Members of the Kane Society gathered for a reception on the cool Homecoming morning.

a man and woman standing next to a table with drinks

Members of the Kane Society gathered for a reception on the cool Homecoming morning.

a group of men wearing red jackets

Members of the Kane Society gathered for a reception on the cool Homecoming morning.

a group of men talking

Members of the Kane Society gathered for a reception on the cool Homecoming morning.

a group of people talking

Members of the Kane Society gathered for a reception on the cool Homecoming morning.

a group of people in red jackets

Members of the Kane Society gathered for a reception on the cool Homecoming morning.

a man and woman standing under a red awning

Members of the Kane Society gathered for a reception on the cool Homecoming morning.

a man standing at a podium with a microphone

Director of Alumni and Parent Relations Steve Hoffman welcomes the crowd to the Homecoming Luncheon.

a man standing at a podium with a microphone

Director of Alumni and Parent Relations Steve Hoffman welcomes the crowd to the Homecoming Luncheon.

a girl standing in a room with chairs

The Homecoming Luncheon was enjoyed by all ages!

a man standing at a podium with a microphone

Chair of the Annual Fund Chris Braun shared the immediate benefits Annual Fund gifts have on the College.

a man standing at a podium holding a red and white striped object

Chair of the Annual Fund Chris Braun shared the immediate benefits Annual Fund gifts have on the College.

a man speaking into a microphone

President Scott Feller shared a moment of gratitude and joy with the crowd.

a man standing at a podium with a microphone

President Scott Feller shared a moment of gratitude and joy with the crowd.

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