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BBiology Immersion Learning Experience to Belize #2

2023 Biology Immersion Learning Experience to Belize, Gallery 2, March 7

a person swimming under water

Led by biology professor Dr. Eric Wetzel (pictured), the BiO 322 students ventured to an area known as the fore reef on Tuesday morning. Underwater photo by Justin To '23.

a coral reef with fish swimming in the water

The students snorkeled along the outside of the reef in open water 40-60 feet deep. Underwater photo by Justin To '23.

a group of people swimming underwater

Pictured here are Takeshi Greiner 24 (center), Cooper Cochran '25 (rear), and Mitchell Keeling '23 (right). Underwater photo by Justin To '23.

coral reef with corals and fish

A total of seven students made the immersion trip to Belize along with Dr. Wetzel. Underwater photo by Justin To '23.

a person swimming under water

Joseph Miller '25 dives down for a closer look. Underwater photo by Justin To '23.

a shark swimming under water

A Nurse Shark rests along the sea floor. Underwater photo by Justin To '23.

coral reef with corals and fish underwater

Snorkeling gives the students a chance to directly engage in this ecosystem. Underwater photo by Justin To '23.

a coral reef with fish and corals

The corals are plentiful. Underwater photo by Justin To '23.

a group of fish swimming in the water

A school of Blue Tang congregate along the reef. Underwater photo by Justin To '23.

a man swimming in the water

Consider Ben Jansen '24 fully immersed along the reef. Underwater photo by Justin To '23.

a group of people on paddle boards in water

Justin To (left) and Miller enjoy a bit of paddleboarding near the IZE Belize pier.

a group of people sitting at desks in a room

Wetzel leads a discussion on tidal pools before the group heads to one that afternoon.

a chalkboard with writing on it

Here is a look at some of Wetzel's notes to the class.

a group of people looking at something on a rocky beach

Wetzel and the students were hands-on in the tidal pool along the north end of South Water Caye.

a group of people looking at a rock in water

There is plenty of dialog as the students and Dr. Wetzel identify species and their characteristics.

a man in a blue hat touching rocks in water

Cooper Cochran checks for species under a rock.

a person holding a small sea creature

To be able to see and hold these tidal species, like this Banded Arm Brittle Star, is one of the impacts of such immersion trips.

two men in a shallow body of water

Adan Villeda '23 (left) and Ben Johnson search together.

a group of people looking at a rock

Wetzel takes time to answer questions for the students.

a person holding a starfish in their hands

Johnson makes an up-close observation of a Slate Pencil Sea Urchin.

a man kneeling in water

After discovering a number of snails on the rock, Joseph Miller searches the water for additional species of invertebrates.

a group of men standing on a rocky beach

Wetzel makes a point with Keeling (center) and Villeda.

two men squatting on a rocky beach

Villeda (left) and Takeshi Greiner compare thoughts.

a group of people looking at a piece of paper

Cooper Cochran (second from left) holds a Variegated Sea Urchin while Wetzel talks of the adaptive characteristics with Villeda. At left, Jansen takes notes.

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