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Professor Deon Miles ’97

a man in a black robe with pins on his jacket

In his senior year, Deon Miles ’97 told Wabash Magazine that he hoped one day to teach in a small liberal arts college, and that's exactly what he's doing 10 years later as Associate Professor of Chemistry at the University of the South at Sewanee, Tennessee. Professor Miles, now married with an 18-month-old son, Noah, earned tenure last year. Watching Deon teach a seminar and lab was a great way to start WM's four day trip through Kentucky and Tennessee to interview alumni for the upcoming "39 Under 39"issue. A perceptive and remarkably effective teacher, Deon knows his students and loves his work.

snow on a tree branch

WM visited Deon on Groundhog Day, which in Sewanee began with a snowfall that just made the campus even more beautiful.

a snowy landscape with a tall tower

All Saints' Chapel

a group of people wearing safety goggles

Professor Miles with two students during an afternoon lab measuring food combustion.

a sign on a glass door

A student assistant at work in Professor Miles' research lab.

a poster of a newspaper fountain and a trash can

A celebratory cartoon on Professor Miles' office door.

a man sitting at a desk

Deon's Wabash career keeps a high profile on his office wall.

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