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Theater Students Learn from the Pros

a man in a white tank top punching a man in a gym

Actor, instructor, and "fight master" Rob Johansan led Wabash students through a workshop on stage fighting. In this shot, Johansan gets his hands on freshman Reed Hepburn. The workshop is part of an ongoing effort by the Wabash Theater Department to bring professional actors, directors, and instructors to campus — to build the students' skill sets and to provide networking opportunities.

a group of people in a gym

Spencer Elliott takes a swing at Reed Hepburn.

a group of people sitting on a red floor

Rich Fern puts a choke hold on Matt Goodrich while Rob Johansan and other students look on.

a group of men in a gym

Instructor and fight master Rob Johansan takes a swing at Matt Goodrich.

two men fighting in a gym

Adam Phipps puts a strangle hold on Dan Masterson.

a group of men in a gym

Rich Fern winds up to stage punch Dan Masterson.

a man holding another man's hand

Spencer Elliott has Will Goodrich in a tough spot.

a group of men in a gym

Will Goodrich reacts to a fake punch thrown by Matt Goodrich in a stage fighting workshop held in the wrestling room.

a group of people standing around a table with puppets

Theater students get their hands on puppets like those used by Visiting Artists Series performers Wakka Wakka Productions.

a man and a puppet

Learning how to work with puppet movement strengthens actors' knowledge of their own body's movement on stage. Wakka Wakka Productions, a New York-based group that uses hand-and-rod puppets, masks, and original music to tell stories, put on the workshop for Wabash students.

a man holding a puppet

Goofing around with the puppets was instructional, and Wakka Wakka Productions manipulates puppets in amazing, story-telling ways.

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