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Ceramics Firing 2 - The Results

a pile of dirt with a shovel and bricks

After the firing is complete, this is all that remains of the reduction and oxidation pits.

a group of men digging in dirt

Now the task of undigging begins.

a group of men digging in the dirt

Left to right: Isaac Homburg '12, Art Professor Doug Calisch, Ken Engle '10, and Matt Levendoski '12.

a group of men working on a broken object

The metal protection is pulled off carefully to avoid breaking any of the pieces.

a man kneeling next to a pile of broken pots

Not all of the pieces survived. Art Professor Doug Calisch picks up a few broken pieces that will hopefully be glued back together to the original shape.

men working on a sculpture

Matt Levendoski '12 (left) and Adam Fritsch '09 gently retrieve pieces from the pit.

a man looking at a clay pot

Adam Fritsch '09 shows Isaac Homburg '12 one of the pieces fired in the oxidation firing.

a man standing in front of a table

Charlie Kelly '11 is pleased with the turnout of one of his pieces.

a table with pottery on it

The pieces are left to dry before repair work and final waxing begins.

a broken bowl on a table

Some pieces need more repair work than others.

a man holding a round object

Charlie Kelly '11 examines other pieces after firing.

a man holding a black object

Art Professor Doug Calisch checks out his students' work.

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