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Freshman Service — Vanity Theater, Lane Place, FISH

a man painting a wall

Michael Keve and 12 of his classmates found a bunch of supplies waiting for them upon arrival at the Vanity Theater downtown. Keve spent Monday afternoon on a ladder — first scraping, then painting the front of the theater building.

a man standing on a ladder

Adam Kowalski stands atop the Vanity Theater marquee to scrape old paint off the historic community theater. He was later joined on the roof by his Freshman Tutorial Professor, Crystal Benedicks.

a man holding a door

The guys working at the Vanity Theater might well have been auditioning for the hit TV show "Dirty Jobs." The work — scraping, painting, sawing, and hauling — was indeed dirty work. But as Sugar Creek Players Board President Amy Woodall said, "It's amazing how much you can get done with so many able-bodied, willing young men helping out."

a man on a ladder painting a building

That's Michael Keve back on the ladder, stretching out from the marquee of the Vanity Theater to scrape old paint from the facade of the historic building.

a man holding a piece of wood

Evan Lane proved handy with a Sawzall reciprocating saw... and an electric screwdriver... and tape measure. And the folks at the Vanity Theater kept him plenty busy Monday afternoon.

a man painting a wall

It wasn't glamourous work — painting brightly colored squares with flat black paint — but it was important work for the Sugar Creek Players, who are preparing for the opening of their next show, "Sugar" (a.k.a. "Some Like It Hot"), which opens at the end of September.

a man holding a shovel

Brad Carber of Peru, Indiana, pitches of shovel of dirt from the main sign that marks the Lane Place as the grounds of the Strawberry Festival. The Lane Place is one of Crawfordsville's many museums, and was the home of Civil War veteran — and friend of Abe Lincoln — Henry S. Lane.

a man holding a box of food

Joe Magura hands a heavy box of food to his friend Matt Page. The two are members of Professor Scott Himsel's Freshman Tutorial, and spent Monday afternoon stocking the FISH Food Pantry with thousands of pounds of canned goods and other non-perishable items.

a man holding a box of food

Freshman Garrett Sell gets his arms around a huge box of food for the FISH Food Pantry.

a group of men carrying a box of canned food

Older Wabash football fans will remember the names Magura and Dyer. In this shot, Rob Dyer hands off a box of food to Joe Magura at the FISH Food Pantry. Rob is the son Jim Dyer ’83, the grandson of Bob Dyer ’56, and his uncles — Jason ’86 and Tom ’78, along with Jim Cumming ’61 — are also Wabash men. As for Magura, well, his father Mark ’83 was classmates with Jim Dyer.

a man holding a box of cans

Careful with this one... it's a heavy one — Orientation Leader Cliff Kochian ’11 eyes the next big box while handing off another to Rob Dyer at the FISH Food Pantry.

a group of men carrying boxes

David Lasco unloads a box from one of four pick-up trucks full of canned goods and non-perishable food items bound for the FISH Food Pantry.

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