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Florence Immerson, Album 8

a group of people walking on a street

Dr. Bill Cook and author Ross King lead the Wabash men to the Florence Cathedral. The entire travel group made the climb to the top of the dome.

a man in a hat and glasses walking down a stone staircase

There were traditional stairs to the top of the cathedral and the base of the dome, then a spiral staircase to near the top of the dome. The final ascent was rather steep with minimum head clearance. Dr. Cook works his way up the final few steps.

a mural of a group of people

The dome within a dome construction allows for amazing frescoes inside. This photo was taken from the base of the dome.

a ceiling with a painting on it

At the base of the dome, here is a view looking at the top.

a city with many buildings

From the top of the dome, you can see all of Florence and into the Tuscan countryside.

a high angle view of a city

A look down at the cathedral from atop the dome.

a view of a city from a high point

One more looking down - to the street alongside the church.

a group of men standing outside

Ross King talking about the Dome with Brad Jones and Colin Ridenour.

a man holding an umbrella

Ross King talks more detail on the roof of the Florence Cathedral after leading the group up the 467-step climb.

a man and woman standing together

Dr. Cook and Dr. King with Cathedral belltower in the background.

a group of people standing together

Doctor Keith Baird, Cook, Dr. Tracy Salisbury, King.

a large building with a dome with Florence Cathedral in the background

Check out the people on the ground and you can get a look up at the height of the Dome. See more photos.

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