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FIMRC 2010 Day 5

a man using a pressure gauge to measure the pressure of a man

In the morning we made house calls to people in the village

a man massaging a person's back

Dylan Andrew helps with a check-up on this pregnant mother.

two pots of food over a fire

Most families cook with wood. Wood smoke and dust are problem because they lead to poor respiratory health

a baby being held by a person

This baby was taken to the clinic to be seen by the doctor

a group of men in a car

On the way into the clinic we were stopped at a check point by the police

a group of men walking in the woods

The guys got a traditional ride back to the clinic in the back of a truck

a graffiti of a man in striped pants

At the end of the week groups who work at the clinic paint murals, this is the Wabash one.

a sign on a wall

We painted this above the door in front of the doctors desk to help keep her motivated even on those tough days

a boy and girl taking a selfie

 It was time to say goodbye to our friends at the clinic Photo by Barrington Hodges '10

a man with two girls on his shoulders

Photo by Barrington Hodges '10

a group of people posing for a photo

A group shot just before leaving the clinic

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