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Wamidan 2010 Spring Concert Album One

a group of people dancing

Wamidan, the College's world music ensemble, performed its spring concert Wednesday night, opening with a contemporary African folk dance of welcome from the peoples of coastal eastern Africa. Pictured are Greg Huey, Kelvin Burzon (foreground), and Reginald Steele.

a group of people sitting in a theater

Wamidan concerts are always family outings, especially with the involvement with the ensemble of the local Montessori school.

a boy playing a drum

Whit Horton demonstrates the drumming skills he's learned under the tutelage of Sister Stella Sabina.

a man and two children sitting on a red chair

Lorelei Schmitzer-Torbert is eager to show her mastery of one of the African tongue-twisters with which Sister Stella and Toshie Kazahaya entertained the audience. 

a man wearing a black shirt and red and yellow striped apron

Grey Huey brings energy and joy to his performance. 

a boy standing on a stack of straw drums

And speaking of energy—check out the jump! 

a man in a garment

Kelvin Burzon keeps the crowd clapping with his dance performance. 

a man wearing glasses and a red and black shirt

Wamidan founder and artistic director Professor of Music James Makubuya made special presentations during the concert.  

a woman holding a certificate

Wabash language intern Maria Fraczek was honored for being such a great addition to Wamidan during her time at Wabash.

a woman laughing with another woman

Wamidan veteran performer and costume maker Toshie Kazahaya was a bit shy about receiving her special recognition from the group. 

a woman holding a certificate

 Language intern Emilie Revol was honored for her valuable contribution to the group and for putting up with Professor Makubuya's efforts at French.

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