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Photo Albums

Spring 2010 Album 2

a pink flowers on a tree

Just down the walk from the Allen Center for Athletics and Recreation a beautiful tree was raining pink petals from its branches. Photos by Kim Johnson

a field of flowers and grass

This is from the arboretum near Petty Patch. Hays Hall is in the distance.

a group of purple flowers in a garden

More from the arboretum just northeast of Hays Hall.

a tree with pink flowers in front of a brick building

The Armory is hidden behind this magnolia tree.

a tree with white flowers and green leaves

The east side of Baxter Hall.

a group of people sitting around a table

Dr. Mark Brouwer's philosophy class took advantage of the nice spring weather outside of MXIBS.

a close up of a flower

Next to Kane House sits this tulip tree in memory of Susan Cantrell. Susan was a writer at the College. The bright, larger-than-life blooms on the tree convey the beauty of Susan and her writing. A fitting tribute to one so dear to all those who knew her.

pink flowers on a tree

The Chapel is a campus icon from any angle.

a building with trees in front of it

Detchon Hall is surrounded by color.

a tree with red leaves in front of a building

The red in the leaves is a perfect frame for the glass front of the Fine Arts Center.

a sign with red flowers and trees in the background

Of course, no Spring would be complete without a picture of the tulips welcoming everyone to campus.

a tree with white flowers in front of a building

Goodrich Hall with snowy white petals. Go back to album 1 here or to more photos here.

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