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2010 Freshmen Community Service Album One

a sign on a brick wall

A sign on the Wabash Avenue Presbyterian Church welcomes freshmen to their work at the site, one of 17 projects freshmen tackled around the county on Monday.

a man standing in front of a group of people

Wabash alumnus and Wabash Avenue Presbyterian Church pastor Rev. John Van Nuys ’83 welcomed freshmen, offered a brief history lesson about the church's connection to Wabash, and thanked the students for their work.  

a group of people sitting around a table

Freshmen relax in the church's fellowship hall before beginning their work. 

a man holding a piece of paper

Professor Emeritus Aus Brooks ’61 passes out the work assignments.  

a man holding a metal pole

Freshman Ramsey Bradke trims the hedges in front of the church. 

a man pushing a lawnmower with a man in the background

Joey Etling ’14 tries his hand at the edger.

a man holding a small object

Cole Hruskovich ’14 uses the electric trimmer on the church's yew bushes. 

a man carrying a large white box

One group of freshmen assisted the Montgomery County Youth Services Bureau move the local Healthy Families offices to Even Start a few blocks down the street. The move would have been costly to both programs had the men of Wabash not been there.

a group of men carrying a table

It was not cool or easy work but the local non-profits were grateful for the strong arms and backs to help.

a man holding a box of canned food

Shane Brown '14, helps the FISH food pantry move boxes of canned goods and other food items from warehouse storage to First United Methodist Church for local distribution.

a group of people standing on stairs

The men formed a human chain to empty four truck loads of food from the street to the basement storage area.

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