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Photo Albums

MXIBS 40th Anniversary Kick-Off Album III

a man standing at a podium

MXI Chair Reggie Steele 

a group of people posing for a photo

Reggie Steele, Professor Hughes, Horace Turner, and Wes Chamblee ’11 posed for a photo following presentation of the Horace Turner Leadership Award. 

a group of people sitting in chairs

President White, Andre Adeyemi ’11, and Rashaan Stephens ’13 enjoy the program.  

a man talking to another man

 Professor of Mathematics Robert Foote

a man smiling at a podium

 Keith Nelson ’71

a group of men having a conversation

Dean of Students Mike Raters ’85

a man in a suit talking to another man

President White enjoys a conversation with Keith Nelson. 

a man in a bow tie holding a camera

 Rashaan Stephens also served as the event's official photographer.

a man and woman smiling at camera

 Rashaan Stephens ’13 and Professor Salisbury smile for the camera.

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