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Ringing In the Class of 2015

a man in a robe holding a bell

Using the bell Caleb Mills used to call the first class of students, President Patrick White rings in the men of the Class of 2015.

a man in a robe holding a bell

President White rings in the Class of 2015 and welcomes them into the company of Wabash Men.

a man in a suit speaking into a microphone

Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid Steve Klein welcomed the students and their families to the ceremony — and to the College they would know the rest of their lives.

a man wearing a black robe

There is, perhaps, no more special day of the year for President Pat White than Freshman Saturday at Wabash College. He was all smiles as he prepared to welcome the Class of 2015.

a woman holding a cell phone

A proud mother of a member of the Class of 2015 photographers her son in the Pioneer Chapel.

a group of men standing on stairs

President White asked the new students in the balcony to stand and "meet your teachers." He then asked each man to turn to his left and to his right, shaking the hands and meeting "the men who will be your teachers for the rest of your lives."

a man shaking hands with another man

Men in the Class of 2015 introduce themselves during President White's speech.

a man in a suit and tie speaking into a microphone

Greg Castanias ’87 flew in from Washington, D.C., to give the Class of 2015 the official welcome from the National Association of Wabash Men. Castanias is president of the NAWM Board of Directors.

a group of people sitting in a row

Parents listened intently as President White invited them to go on this wonderful journey that is Wabash with their sons.

a group of people clapping

The new Wabash men stood in the balcony and gave their families a big round of applause for helping them get to this important point in their lives.

a group of men in suits

The Wabash Glee Club welcomed the students with a rousing rendition of Old Wabash to get the Ringing In Ceremony off to a celebratory start. Pictured is Donovan Bisbee ’12.

a woman taking a picture of herself

Mom captures a special moment — her son entering the Pioneer Chapel.

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