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2012 Senior Art Show at Commencement

a couple of ceramic vases in a room with art on the wall

’The works are amazing, and the students’ presentation and treatment of the space stellar,’ says Eric Dean Gallery Director Michael Atwell of this year's Senior Art Exhibit.

a sign with black text

The exhibit will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday and Saturday of Commencement Weekend.

two women in garments hugging

'Envy,' from Kelvin Burzon's series of photographs inspired by old daguerreotype death portraits.

a sculpture on a table

Matt Levendoski finds inspiration in philosophy for his sculpture and mixed media works.

a reflection of trees in water

Brandon Doebler’s photography exhibit is titled 'Reflection.'

a bowl on a table

A bowl by potter Evan Bayless.

a sculpture on a pedestal

Works by Matt Levendoski and Brandon Doebler.

a colorful drawing of a city

Ben Muensterman is presenting his artwork with a mind's eye toward his hometown, Evansville.

a man standing with his arms crossed

Yangan “Paul” Liuhas painted a reflection on play and his Chinese childhood which covers entire wall of the gallery.

a man standing with his arms crossed

Yangnan Liu

a man working on a pottery wheel

Evan Bayless at work.

a man raising his hand up

Yangnan Liu strikes a pose from his painting.

a man holding a bowl

Evan Bayless

a group of people posing for a photo

Yangnan Liu with his parents.

a mural of a man and a woman playing with a rope

A section from Liu's painting.

a close up of a ceramic vase

Close-up of Bayless' pottery

a man working on a clay pot

Matt Levendoski continued to work on new pieces long after the show had opened.

a group of round objects on a branch

Mixed media work by Matt Levendoski

a brown and white object

Close-up of pottery by Bayless

a brown and white ceramic vase

Bottle by Evan Bayless

a sculpture of a pair of shoes

Sculpure by Matt Levendoski

a person with a necklace

'Greed,' from Burzon's series, 'Seven Deadly Sins'

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