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Siena, Italy,, Day 3

a group of people standing outside of a building

Our group starts the day outside the city's art museum.

a group of people looking up

Alums P.T. Buntin, Dudley Burgess, and Steve Baker taking in the Siena Museum art.

a large ornate building with people walking around with Siena Cathedral in the background

The Cathedral in Siena, Italy.

a group of people in clothing playing drums

The Drago Contrada drummers, actually there were several sections of them, lead the parade into the home neighborhood piazza prior to the baptism ceremony.

a group of people in clothing holding flags and drums

The Contrada flag bearers wave their colors into their Piazza and during parades through the city.

a woman holding a baby

Quite a few Contrada babies were baptized in front of a big crowd. I was standing on my toes, arm full extended holding my camera shooting blind and got this lucky shot.

a man wearing a hat

After it a three-hour, mid-day break we gather on the Campo to head back to the Cathedral. Steve Baker '74 wins "best hat" award despite the jazzy new Wabash hats Jerry Bowie handed out on day one. 

a large building with many columns and a crowd of people with Siena Cathedral in the background

A view from the very back, just entering the Siena cathedral.

a marble floor with a group of people

The cathedral is filled with amazing art of all types. It's particularly well known for the very large mosiac art pieces on the floor.

a statue in a building

The artists who created the Cathedral's look are varied. This chapel features two statues by a young Michaelangelo

a painting of a religious scene

The Libary in the cathedral has vivid art work. Tours, nor speaking, are not allowed in the Libary so Cook stands outside the room and conducts the tour from memory.

a group of people standing in a line

Bill Cook and the alumni travel group studying one of the largest mosiacs on the cathedral floor.

a group of people looking at camera

Wabash graduates and brothers Stan and Gordan Vogel, in back, admire the cathedral's puplit.

a church with a round window

Photos just don't do the alter and this portion of the church much justice.

a statue in a room with a wall mural

After visiting the interior of the cathedral we took a break and then toured the baptistry.

a group of people standing in a room with a statue

Alums and spouses check out the detailed brass art of the Baptistry.

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