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Washington, DC Dinner

a group of people talking

Andy and Friends

Clarence Mann '57 (l), Andy Ford H'03 and Dennis Whigham '66 before the Washington dinner

a group of people sitting at tables

Greg Welcomes

Greg Castanias '87 welcomes the crowd and President Andy Ford to the Jones Day law firm.

a man standing at a podium

Andy Speaking

President Ford discusses the College's current strategic plan with alumni, family and friends.

men in a room with a table and a table with drinks

Chris and Matt

Classmates Chris Runge '94 and Matt Zimmerman '94 catch up with each other during the reception.

a group of people standing on a balcony

Pierce and Jane

Pierce Klemmt '72, Jane Castanias, and Tuke Klemmt enjoy the view from the Jones Day law firm.

a group of men talking

Lively discussion

When Wabash men get together, you're always guanranteed a lively discussion!

a group of people sitting at tables

Packed house

President Andy Ford discusses the College's future with the entire group.

a group of people talking


Dennis Whigham '66 talks with Russ Thrall '52 and his wife on the "roof" of the law firm.  A beautiful view! 

a few men shaking hands


Ron Shelby '70 (r), president of the National Capital Association, presents President Ford with a crystal eagle honoring his strong leadership of the College during the last several years. 

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