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Honor Scholar Concert 1

a man in a suit holding a microphone

Jazz Band guitarist Russ Winfrey sings "It Had to Be You," one of the highlights of Friday's Honor Scholars Concert.

a group of people clapping in a lecture hall

Audience members cheer for the Jazz Band.

a group of people playing drums

Bernard Meyer and Kyle Prifogle play madinda while Wamidan artistic director plays drums during the world music ensemble's instrumental offering for the evening.

a man with glasses and a black shirt

Brian McCafferty on madinda.

a group of men wearing suits and ties

The Glee Club brought the audience to its feet as they performed at the end of the evening's concert.

a couple of women in skirts

Caity Charles and Savanna Weliver gracefully lead the way during Wamidan's dance number.

a woman with long hair smiling

Rachel Thompson plays madinda.

a man in a suit and tie talking to another man

Director Steve Robinette runs the Jazz Band through its final rehearsal.

a group of men wearing red robes

Wamidan members Steve Hernandez, Brian Thompson, and artistic director James Makubuya warm up before going onstage.

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