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Photo Albums

Ecuador/Galapagos Album II

a group of birds flying in the sky

A composite photo of Galapagos sea birds seen by the group: (right to left, top to bottom): swallow-tailed gull, brown pelican, waved albatross, 2 red-billed tropic birds, waved albatross, magnificent frigate birds, blue-footed booby, red tropic bird. Photos and composite by David Krohne

a group of people standing in a forest

Beneath a monster fig at Tiputini Biodiversity Station—pictured with our guide, Meyer (center) are Dan Rogers, Andrew Hasty, Kyle Hays, John O'Donnell, Patrick Murphy, Ryan Walden, and Sheryl Krohne. Photo by David Krohne

a man looking at a tree

Ryan Walden photographs a giant fig tree at Tiputini. Photo by David Krohne

a man kneeling next to another man

Kyle Schroering and Andrew Hasty up close and personal with a captive tortoise at Darwin Research Station on Santa Cruz. Photo by David Krohne

a man climbing a tree

John O'Donnell reaches the high point of the canopy walk—130 feet above the forest floor. Photo by David Krohne

birds flying in the sky with the moon

Two magnificent frigate birds sail past the moon just after sunset on our last night in the Galapagos. Photo by David Krohne

two birds standing on a rock

Two blue-footed boobies perform mating display Photo by David Krohne

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