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Cincinnati Dinner 2005

a group of people sitting at tables

A large crowd, approaching 70 attendees, listens as President Ford welcomes the assembled group.

a man standing at a podium

President Andy Ford H'03 welcomes our guests and offers a quick update on the College.

a group of men in suits

President Andy Ford H'03, Scott Schroeder '99, and Luke Lindsell '99 catch up with each other during dinner

a man in a suit and tie

Stephen King '97, president of the Cincinnati Association of Wabash Men, welcomes everyone to the dinner.

a group of men talking to each other

President Andy Ford discussing College selection with a prospective student and his father

a man in a suit and tie giving a thumbs up

Professor Rick Warner offers his thougths on Wabash's students, current and past.

a group of people talking

Mark Sutton '92(l), Bill Shreve, Stephen King '97 and Annie King get caught up before the dinner

a group of people standing in a room

A prospective student and his family discuss Wabash with Professor Rick Warner (r).

a group of men talking

Steve Marcou '93 (l), from the Office of Admissions, explains the benefits of a Wabash education to a guest

a group of people talking

Andy and Anne Ford (l) catch up on the latest with Woody Stephens '63 and his wife Kathleen.

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