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Photo Albums

The Better Part of One's Life, Album One

a group of men posing for a photo

Part of the 2008 1971-1974 Phi Delt Reunion: "These were guys who were ready not just to make friends, but to be friends; to be there for each other." — Dan Loftus ’72 Photos by Steve Charles

a group of people standing around a table

Cathy Flink tells a story.

a man laughing with another man

Dan Boyle ’72 flew in from Denver for the reunion. Here, "Mercury" Morris cracks him up with a reminiscence.

a group of people standing on a deck

Mike Dill ’71, who has sent invitations and organized the reunion since its inception in 1977, talks with his Phi Delt brothers.

a man in a yellow shirt talking to a woman

Mike Heazlitt ’73 was back with the group for the first time in 37 years.

a man holding a cup of water

Tim Hewitt ’72

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