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Collecting for Muffy

a couple of young men standing next to a plant

Steven Rowe and Stephen Luke collect at one neighborhood door. Photos by Drew Casey '12.

a group of young men walking down a street

Stalbaum, Lui, Stephen Rowe, Steven Luke were working near the center of town.

a couple of men walking up a sidewalk

Will Lui and Ryker Stalbaum hit another house.

a couple of men walking down a street

Justin Wright and Kaleb Webber stop and talk to someone driving by. A group of Wabash men walking up and down the streets created some curiosity.

a group of men drinking and talking

MUFFY Executive Director David Johnson talks about the collection effort.

a group of people standing in a room

Chris White gets to know a couple of the pledges.

a group of men standing around a table

This group of Beta pledges enjoyed the post collection refreshments.

a group of people standing in a room

Rusty Carter, this year's MUFFY campaign chairman, welcomes back a group of the freshmen.

a man holding up his fist while another man watches

Rick Warner congratulates these guys on their effort.

a couple of women sitting at a table with money

Kim Johnson and Katie Pace were helping collect the money.

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