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115th Monon Bell Classic — 1

a group of football players in red uniforms

Wabash's captains prepare for the coin flip in the 115th Monon Bell Classic. A crowd of more than 11,400 attended on a cold, blustery November day. The captains are Brock Graham, David Mann, Tony Neymeyier, and Jared Lange.

a group of football players shaking hands

Co-captain David Mann (20) shakes hands with the DPU captains before the coin flip.

a football player running with a ball

Wes Chamblee had some running room on the opening kickoff.

a group of football players running on a field

Junior running back Evan Sobecki looks for running room outside.

a football player in red and white playing with a ball

Senior Andrew Rode reaches back to pull in a pass from Matt Hudson early in the contest.

a group of people playing football

Senior Andrew Rode looks for running room with a sea of Wabash red behind him.

a football player throwing a football

Senior captain Tony Neymeyier snaps the ball to quarterback Matt Hudson.

a group of football players on a field

Quarterback Matt Hudson gets outside to block for running back Evan Sobecki.

a football player in a game

Offensive linemen Jeremy Morris and Skip Tokar.

a group of football players on a field

Linebackers Rich Lehmann and Bryan Watson hit the DPU running back.

a football player carrying a football

Linebacker David Mann makes a tackle on a DPU receiver.

a football player being tackled by other players

Senior defensive lineman Darryl Kennon.

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