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Title: Rome in America
Course Section Number: HIS-210-01
Department: History
Description: This is a first-half semester course. If students register in this section, they cannot take the second-half semester course that is the same. During the debates over the ratification of America's Constitution, some of the most influential Founding Fathers wrote under classical pseudonyms like Publius, Brutus, and Cato. In fact, when Europeans first arrived in the Americas, they often looked to historical models from the ancient past to make sense of the "New World." Chief among these was the example of Ancient Rome, which profoundly influenced the colonial societies that took shape in the wake of English, Spanish, and Portuguese conquests. This course will examine the history of Ancient Rome and its reception in the Americas. We will focus on historical episodes in which debates about Rome and its legacy played a key role, ranging from the founding of the American Republic to the Spanish conquest of Mexico.
Credits: 0.50
Start Date: August 27, 2025
End Date: October 15, 2025
Meeting Information:
08/28/2025-10/14/2025 Lecture Tuesday, Thursday 02:40PM - 03:55PM, Room to be Announced
Faculty: Gorey, Matthew

Course Status & Cross-Listings

Cross-list Group Capacity: 20
Cross-list Group Student Count: 0
Calculated Course Status: OPEN
Section Name/Title Status Dept. Capacity Enrolled/
HIS-210-01 (cross-listing)
Rome in America
OPEN History 20 0 / 20 / 0
CLA-113-01 (primary)
Rome in America
OPEN Classics 20 0 / 20 / 0
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