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Title: Drugs & Society in Modern Hist
Course Section Number: HIS-200-01
Department: History
Description: HIS 200: Drugs and Society Modern History What is a drug? This course examines the history of drugs in society by first asking what a drug or intoxicant might be. The class will then consider how different cultures have accepted or rejected drugs based on their usefulness or danger to the social order. We will examine changing cultural attitudes toward drugs, the rise of modern drug regulation, and the development of pharmaceutical drugs. For example, why did drinking coffee and tea become an accepted activity, but smoking opium was increasingly frowned upon during the nineteenth century? Why did Viagra become medically acceptable, but mercury fell out of favor to treat disease in the 20th century? Key topics will include: The growth and regulation of the opium trade in the 19th century Drugs and Sports The cultural, economic, and social factors shaping alcohol policies in the late 19th and early 20th centuries The medicalization of drug use The impact of drug regulation and the emergence of the global war on drugs in the 20th century The historical interpretations of Cannabis, Alcohol (Tequila, Absinthe), Meth, Viagra, Chocolate, etc. This course suits all students interested in history, sociology, and public health. By the end of the course, students will have developed critical thinking and analytical skills better to understand the historical relationships between drugs and various communities. There is no immersion trip associated with this course, but to be blunt, in addition to short assignments and two exams, students will have a daily dose of reading and discussion.
Credits: 1.00
Start Date: August 27, 2025
End Date: December 20, 2025
Meeting Information:
08/27/2025-12/19/2025 Lecture Monday, Wednesday, Friday 02:10PM - 03:00PM, Room to be Announced
Faculty: Rhoades, Michelle

Course Status & Cross-Listings

Cross-list Group Capacity: 25
Cross-list Group Student Count: 0
Calculated Course Status: OPEN
Section Name/Title Status Dept. Capacity Enrolled/
HIS-200-01 (primary)
Drugs & Society in Modern Hist
OPEN History 25 0 / 25 / 0
GHL-219-01 (cross-listing)
Drugs & Society in Modern Hist
OPEN Global Health 25 0 / 25 / 0
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