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Title: Beatles, a Cultural History
Course Section Number: MUS-104-01
Department: Music
Description: The four lads from Liverpool were arguably the most significant cultural event of the mid-20th c, from popular music to fashion, politics, and religion. This immersion course will study the Beatles in their social, political and cultural context, from post-war Britain of the 1940s, through the economic and social recovery of the 50s, and the swinging and turbulent 60s. We will use a range of methods including social and cultural history as well as musicology. After extensive study of the history and music of the period, we will travel to Liverpool and London during Thanksgiving recess to visit Beatles' sites and key historical museums such as the International Slavery Museum in Liverpool and the Imperial War Museum in London.
Credits: 1.00
Start Date: August 27, 2025
End Date: December 20, 2025
Meeting Information:
08/28/2025-12/18/2025 Immersion Component Tuesday, Thursday 09:45AM - 11:00AM, Room to be Announced
Faculty: Royalty, Bob

Course Status

Section Name/Title Status Dept. Capacity Enrolled/
Beatles, a Cultural History
OPEN Music 16 0 / 16 / 0
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