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Scroll Application Form

Application Instructions: Since you will submit this application online (via the “Send My Information” button below), we encourage you to complete the more extensive portions (extracurricular activities, awards, and especially essays) separately prior to filling out the rest of the application. You can then copy and paste your material into the boxes provided.

The application deadline has been extended.

Parent or Guardian Information

Please list the names of the adults with whom you reside and their relationship to you.



Essay Questions

Please respond to the following two prompts with short essays of 250-500 words each.



Reference Letters
Two (2) letters of reference are required for the application. One should be from a teacher and the other from a church-related leader (e.g. pastor, youth minister) or mentor. Please ask each letter writer to address the following:

  • What is your relationship to the applicant and how long have you known him?
  • Describe the applicant’s personal characteristics, leadership qualities and academic abilities.
  • Describe how the applicant relates to you, peers, and others.
  • Why do you think the applicant is a good fit for Scroll, an eight-day summer theology institute at Wabash College (see for more information)?
  • If applicable, describe the applicant’s spiritual maturity and life of faith.
  • Please include your position, organization, and contact information (phone and email).

Letters of reference should be sent as attachments directly by the letter writers to Joy Harlos, Communications and Events Coordinator for Scroll, at

I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to follow up with those sending my letters of reference to ensure that they are received by the Scroll office according to the guidelines above. I understand that an application without all requested materials will be considered incomplete by the selection committee.

Thank you for your application to Scroll.
We will contact you via email regarding your application status.

Program Staff

Jon Baer

Jonathan Baer
Associate Professor of Religion 

Joy HarlosJoy Harlos
Communications and Events Coordinator

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