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Environmental Concerns Committee

The Environmental Concerns Committee seeks to find ways for Wabash College to incorporate an environmental perspective into its decision-making and its daily operations. As a community, we understand that the biosphere is finite and its living systems are being affected and altered by the activities of human beings. In order to achieve a sustainable future, we need to be responsible citizens of our planet. As a learning community, we are committed to "thinking critically, leading effectively, acting responsibly, and living humanely": these commitments obligate us to act in ways that foster a sustainable future.  Further, they invite us to think about how education itself might be revisioned in light of these goals.

The Mission of the Environmental Concerns Committee (ECC) naturally divides into two fields of action:

Practical Institutional Actions toward a Sustainable Future
The ECC will encourage the College to find ways to conserve the use of fossil fuels and limit the production of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. It will also work with the Administration and the campus community to develop a comprehensive recycling program. It will seek to link the College's actions with those of our wider Crawfordsville and regional communities.

Fostering Sustainable Education: Seeking "the Change of Mind on which Change Toward Sustainability Depends."
The ECC will encourage the integration of environmental mindfulness into the daily social, intellectual, and artistic life of our community.  As education is at the root of our identity as a community, we need to be in constant reflection about the role of education in achieving a sustainable society.


Upcoming Events

Indiana Natural Areas and Their Rare Species
Mike Homoya
Heritage Botanist
Indiana Department of Natural Resources
Thursday, January 29, noon
Hays 319
Sponsored by the Biology Department and Experience Indiana


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