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GLCA New Directions Grants

Funded by a generous gift to the GLCA from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the New Directions Invitiative supports the renewal and continued professional growth of faculty in liberal arts colleges who are in “mid career.” The emphasis of the grant program is to help faculty at the critical time in their careers after they have received tenure. In particular, the New Directions Initiative rewards faculty who wish to chart a new course of research or scholarship beyond their own specific discipline. Read more on the GLCA website.

Five members of the Wabash faculty received New Directions Grants in fall 2011. Read more.


Columbia University Libraries - Grant 

The Columbia University Libraries (CUL) invites applications from scholars and researchers to a new program designed to facilitate access to Columbia's special and unique collections. CUL will award ten (10) grants of $2500 each on a competitive basis to researchers who can demonstrate a compelling need to consult CUL holdings for their work. Participating Columbia libraries and collections include those located on the Morningside Heights campus: the Avery Architectural and Fine Arts Library, The Burke Library at Union Theological Seminary, Butler Library, the Lehman Social Sciences Library, the Rare Book & Manuscript Library, the C. V. Starr East Asian Library, and the Libraries' Area Studies Collections.

Applications will be accepted until January 31, 2012. Awards will be made by April 1, 2012 for research at Columbia during the period July 1, 2012  June 30, 2013. See

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