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Art - The Spirit Visualized: Ritual Objects and Native American Culture (Art 105)


Art 105

The Spirit Visualized:

Ritual Objects and Native American Culture

Professor Gregory Huebner

Spring 2003


This course will study the rich and diverse cultures of the indigenous peoples of North America through an examination of their ritual and domestic objects. Through slide presentations, videos, readings, field trips and visits by Native Americans, we will discover the relationship of these objects to dance, music, creation stories, prayer songs, healing ceremonies and rites of passage. Although the course will concentrate on traditional Native American culture, the class will also have an opportunity to examine the work of selected contemporary Native American artists. In the work of these artists you will see how traditional visual images and ideas have been reworked to communicate contemporary, political, economic and environmental issues.



John G. Neihardt, Black Elk Speaks, University of Nebraska Press, 1932.


Ian Frazier, On the Rez, Picador Press, 2001.


Janet C. Berlo & Ruth B. Phillips, Native North American Art, Oxford University Press, 1998.


Ake Hultkrantz, Native Religions of North America, Harper Collins Press, 1987


EXAMINATIONS:  There will be two exams this semester, a mid-semester exam on Monday, March 3, and a final exam on Tuesday, May 6, at 1:30 PM.


RESEARCH PAPER:  Each student will select a ritual object belonging to one of the North American Indian tribes. Then, through research, your paper will:

  1. Identify the particular ritual in which the object was/is used.
  2. Explain the purpose of the ritual within the structure of the tribe you are researching. What does the ritual tell us about the natural environment of the tribe? Does the ritual establish a bond between the tribe and its environment?
  3. Explain if the ritual has survived to the present day, if so, why and in what form, if not, what are the factors contributing to its demise?


This paper will be 5 to 7 pages in length. Paper topics must be approved by Wednesday, April 16. Papers are due in class Friday, April 25.


JOURNAL:  Student will make a weekly, typed entry in their journals. These entries will concern some aspect or concept of the week’s lecture, reading, class discussion, video, guest speaker or field trip. These entries will be kept in the white folders I give you. Why the special folders? See below. The length of each entry may range from a paragraph to a page. Journals will be turned in for my review on the following dates:  February 7, March 7, and April 18.


FIELD TRIPS:    The class will participate in two required field trips this semester.


We will go to the Eiteljorg Museum in Indianapolis on Friday, March 7. Students who have classes after Art 105 must let me know so that I may secure an excuse from class for you. NOTE: This is the Friday before spring break—don’t book any flights to Florida before this day.


On Wednesday, April 23, we will go to Chicago, Illinois, to view the outstanding collection of Native American ritual and domestic objects housed at the Field Museum of Natural History. Professor Avery’s art history classes will also be joining us on this trip. Following our observations at the Field Museum, we will visit the Art Institute of Chicago. After this you are free to visit any other museums or galleries in Chicago, or just bum around the city for the day.


We will depart Crawfordsville by motor coach at 8:30 AM, Wednesday, April 23, and return around 11:00 PM. This is always a very enjoyable day in the city. There is a $10 charge for the bus ticket and you should plan on another $25 for meals. The Art Department will pay the Field Museum admission fee.


SPECIAL GUESTS:  It is our good fortune to once again have Kiowa-Apache spiritual leader, Oowah Nah Chasing Bear, visit us on Friday, April 11.


JOURNAL PARFLECHE:  So that each student will have some experience with the creation of a ritual object, you will, through the magic of paint and whatever else you find necessary, transform your ordinary Journal folder into a thing of beauty and spiritual strength. More on this later. The art department will supply the paint and brushes. The Parfleche is due in class Monday, April 28.


GRADING:  Your performance in Art 105 will be judged on the following:

            Tests–50%, Research Paper–30%, Journal and Parfleche–20%     

            Your participation in class discussions is expected.



All class meetings will be in Room M-120 unless otherwise noted on this calendar.


Wednesday, January 15: Introduction, Lecture: Art and the Discovery of the “Other”

                                                Reading: Native Religions - Chapter 1


Friday, January 17:                     Vide First half of - Joseph Campbell, “The Power of Myth: The First                                                                     Storytellers”, followed by a discussion of the issues it raises.         

                                                Reading: Native Religions - Chapter 2

                                                OUILT NATIONAL ’01, Art exhibit opening today, 3-5, Eric Dean Gallery.


Monday, January 20:                  Conclusion of Campbell video

                                                Slide Lecture: A brief overview of Native American art

                                                Reading: Native Art - Chapter 1


Wednesday, January 22: Slide Lecture: Arts of the Eastern Woodland Indians

                                                Reading: Native Art - Chapter 3


Friday, January 24:                     Vide First half of - “The Faith Keeper, Oren Lyons”

                                                Slide Lecture: Arts of the Eastern Woodland Indians continued

                                                Reading: Native Art - Chapter 3


Monday, January 27:                  Conclusion of Oren Lyons’ video

                                                Slide Lecture: Arts of the Eastern Woodland Indians continued

                                                Reading: Native Art - Chapter 3


Wednesday, January 29: Vide First half of - “Views of a Vanishing Frontier”

                                                Slide Lecture: Arts of the Eastern Woodland Indians continued

                                                Reading: Native Art - Chapter 3


Friday, January 31:                     Vide Conclusion of - “Views of a Vanishing Frontier”

                                                Slide Lecture: Arts of the Eastern Woodland Indians continued

                                                Reading: Native Religions - Chapter 3


Monday, February 3:                  Slide Lecture: Conclude Arts of the Eastern Woodland Indians

                                                Reading: Native Religions - Chapter 3, Native Art - Chapter 4,

                                                 Black Elk Speaks and On the Rez

                                                NOTE: These texts must be finished for class discussion on Wednesday,                                                     February 26.


Wednesday, February 5:             Slide Lecture: Arts of the Plains Indians

                                                Reading: See February 3


Friday, February 7:                     Slide Lecture: Arts of the Plains Indians

                                                Reading: See February 3

                                                JOURNALS DUE IN CLASS TODAY!


Monday, February 10:                 Slide Lecture: Arts of the Plains Indians

                                                Reading: See February 3


Wednesday, February 12:           Slide Lecture: Arts of the Plains Indians

                                                Reading: See February 3


Friday, February 14:                   Slide Lecture: Arts of the Plains Indians   

                                                Reading: See February 3


Monday, February 17:                 Slide Lecture: Arts of the Plains Indians

                                                Reading: See February 3


Wednesday, February 19:           I will be in New York City at a conference today and Friday, February 21.

There are two videos I want you to view concerning modern life on the reservations. They are "Paha Sapa: The Struggle for the Black Hills", shown today, and "The Spirit of Crazy Horse", shown Friday. These films will help your understanding of many of the issues discussed in On the Rez. George Belmore will show the videos and take roll in my absence. See you Monday.


Friday, February 21:                   Vide "The Spirit of Crazy Horse"

                                                Reading: See February 3


Monday, February 24:                 Discussion of the issues raised in the two videos.

                                                Reading: Complete Black Elk Speaks and On the Rez for discussion                                                                         on Wednesday


Wednesday, February 26:           Class Discussion of Black Elk Speaks and On the Rez


Friday, February 28:                   Slide Lecture: Arts of the Plains Indians, conclusion


Monday, March 3:                      Midsemester Examination


Wednesday, March 5:                 Slide Lecture: Arts of the Southwest Indians

                                                Reading: Native Art - Chapter 2 and Native Religions  - Chapters 4 & 5


Friday, March 7:                         Field trip to the Eiteljorg Museum in Indianapolis.


Gather in A-133, the Drawing/Design Studio in the Art Wing. We should be ready to leave for the museum by 1:15 PM and return to campus by 5:15 PM at the latest.

REMINDER: please let me know if you have a 1:10 class so I may get you excused.



March 8 through March 16:         Spring Break


Monday, March17:                      Slide Lecture: Arts of the Southwest Indians

                                                Reading: See March 5

Wednesday, March 19:               Slide Lecture: Arts of the Southwest Indians

                                                Reading: See March 5


Friday, March 21:                       Vide “Seasons of the Navajo”

                                                Reading: See March 5


Monday, March 24:                     Slide Lecture: Arts of the Southwest Indians

                                                Reading: See March 5


Wednesday, March 26:            &nb

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