Indiana Teaching Opportunities
ITF is a program designed to place teachers in high-need areas to overcome the education gap in many struggling Indiana schools. |
Combines an intensive schedule of academic classes, held during the summer at Notre Dame, with two years of applied learning teaching in classrooms in under-resourced Catholic schools. |
Americorp is a 1-year commitment to do volunteer work within the U.S. and Indiana in a wide variety of sites. Many non-profits have a relationship with AmeriCorps. |
The Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellowship seeks to attract talented, committed individuals with science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) backgrounds—including current undergraduates, recent college graduates, mid-career professionals, and retirees—into teaching in high-need secondary schools. |
Culver interns participate fully in the life of the Academies under the direction of mentor teachers, counselors, and coaches. These mentors help the intern learn the basics of teaching and coaching methodologies, classroom management and group dynamics, as well as parent/student relationships. In addition to working in their chosen academic field, interns assist with extracurricular activities, working with an impressive array of student athletic teams or in the Academies’ rich and active Fine Arts program. |
National Teaching Opportunities
Teach for two years in an underserved, underperforming U.S. school. Four application cycles. |
Work for two years teaching underprivileged middle schoolers as an Americorps Volunteer. |
TNTP (Teach New Teachers Program) has 14 different programs across the nation in high need areas to help train and find great teachers for underperfomring schools. |
Academy for Urban School Leadership model is to train teachers in a rigorous one year residency program and then place them in AUSL-managed turnaround schools to effect whole school transformation. |
City Year Fellows participate in an 1- year mentoring program in America's schools to help children graduate. |
The Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellowships are state-based programs that seek to attract talented, committed individuals with backgrounds in mathematics, science, engineering, and technology into teaching in high-need urban and rural secondary schools. There are currently three state programs. |
Math for America (MƒA) is a nonprofit organization with a mission to improve mathematics and science education in US public secondary schools by building a corps of outstanding STEM teachers and school leaders. |
STA is the oldest placement service in America and the only agency dedicated to working with private & independent schools in the South. |
Every year the Schuler Scholar Program recruits recent college graduates to serve as AmeriCorps members in each Schuler partnership high school. The members, called Scholar Coaches, provide one-on-one support to the Schuler Scholars and deliver a wide range of programs throughout the year. |
International Teaching Opportunities
With Greenheart Travel's Teach Abroad Programs, get paid to live and work overseas in 6 different countries while experiencing true cultural exchange. Teaching English abroad offers great benefits, and most programs are FREE! Aside from the personal and career benefits of teaching abroad, this programs offer great job benefits. |
Japan Exchange and Teaching Program Participants are placed with local government organisations throughout Japan or can choose to teach in every imaginable locality, including large cities, small and medium-sized towns, and rural farming and fishing villages. |
In the short term, Teach For All Fellows are placed in full-time, two-year teaching commitments at under-resourced schools, where they meet the pressing need for exceptional educators. In the long term, Teach For All supports its alumni – equipped with the experience, conviction, and insight that comes from leading children to fulfill their potential – to be a force for change, working from across sectors to expand educational opportunity. |
A comprehensive resource for overseas teaching opportunities and research into the programs |
Sponsored by the State Department, a Fulbright offers various fellowships for U.S. graduating seniors, graduate students, young professionals and artists to study abroad for one academic year. The Program also includes the English Teaching Assistant component.
The Toyota International Teacher Program is an international professional-development opportunity for U.S. secondary school teachers focusing on environmental stewardship and global connectedness. Selected teachers travel on a short-term (2-3 week) study tour to a country that is at the forefront of innovative solutions to environmental challenges. The teachers explore environmental issues through hands-on activities and incorporate what they learn into interdisciplinary and solution-focused lesson plans to share with their students and communities in the U.S |