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Theater - Glengarry Glen Ross

February 20-23, 2008

A play by David Mamet
Director: James M. Cherry
Ast. Director/Dramaturg: Nelson Barre '08
Scenic Designer: James Gross
Lighting Designer: Tim Closson '09
Costume Designer: Caroline Stine
Stage Manager: Cody Grady '10
Assistant Stage Manager: Jacob Clough '11

Aaronow - Luke Robbins '11
Levene - Kyle Cassidy '08
Moss - Dustin Foster '09
Williamson - Spencer Elliott '10
Blake - Josué Gutiérrez '11
Roma - Matt Goodrich '09
Lingk - James Morey '11
Baylen - Patrick McAlister '10


Light Board and Posters: Tyler Williams '08
Makeup/Hair Designer: Georgeanna Smith
Wardrobe and Stagehand: Clay Zook '10
Stagehand: Rob Fozkos '10

The winner of the 1984 Pulitzer Prize for drama, David Mamet’s Glengarry Glen Ross offers audiences a snake’s-eye view of the real estate business. In that world, knowing the shot, closing the deal, and getting up on the Cadillac board are all that matter. And desperation reigns.

The New York Times’ Ben Brantley wrote "[it] feels like having espresso pumped directly into your bloodstream." Brimming with intense, crackling dialogue, Glengarry Glen Ross reveals the dark underside of the American Dream.


It should be noted that the character of Baylen was played by two different men throughout the run of Glengarry Glen Ross. Patrick McAlister '10 was originally cast in the role. He went through the six weeks of rehearsal and performed the first two nights. Friday afternoon, he had a minor medical emergency that caused him to be unable to perform. Nelson Barre '08 quickly filled in Patrick's shoes. However, the evening of Patrick's illness was also the night Dr. Z chose to take pictures of the production. The image in the photo album with Patrick as Baylen was taken earlier in the week at a dress rehearsal by Jim Amidon.


Cody Grady '10

Summer 2008


Director's Notes

Dramturgical Notes

Scenic Designer's Notes

Costume Designer's Notes

Photo Album



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