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Theater - Twelve Angry Men

February 23–26, 2000

A play by Reginald Rose
Production Staff
Director: Dwight Watson
Scenic and Lighting Designer: James Gross
Asst. Tech. Director: George Belmore '01
Costume Designer: Laura Conners
Stage Manager: Lee Flater '02
Assistant Stage Manager: Joshua Wilson '03
Assistant to the Director: Andrew Shefter
Cast List
Forman of the Jury: Rodney Pittman
Juror No. Two: Paul Kennedy '02
Juror No. Three: Johnny Warren '03
Juror No. Four: Tywain Parks
Juror No. Five: Adam Christensen '03
Juror No. Six: Jon Conkright '01
Juror No. Seven: Aaron Parks '03
Juror No. Eight: Joe Hisch '02
Juror No. Nine: Tom Nelson '02
Juror No. Ten: George Belmore '01
Juror No. Eleven: Chris Laguna
Juror No. Twelve: Jeremy Palin
Guard: Lee Flater '02
Voice of the Clerk: Joshua Wilson '03
Voice of the Judge: Andrew Shefter
Production Assistance
Light Board Operator: Josh Wagner '00
Sound Board Operator: Josh Wagner '00
Propsmaster: James Gross
Poster Graphics: Andrew Kaiser '02
The classic American story of suspense and discovery.  Twelve men of an American jury wrestle with the fate of a young boy accused of killing his father.  The prosecution has presented a mass of circumstantial evidence that makes a guilty decision look certain.  But one man’s reasonable doubts about the way the case has been presented turns the jury room into a sweltering cauldron of self-righteousness, bigotry, and anger.  A meticulously designed jigsaw puzzle, written in 1945, Twelve Angry Men is even more appropriate in today’s climate of hyper-media scrutiny of our judicial system.

This page is part of an ongoing project to document the history of the theatre productions performed at Wabash College.  If you have information not included on this page, please contact the Theater Department or Professor Dwight Watson (


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